About Us

Salamat Group > About Us

Brief History

Salamat group have been founded in 1974 in Hamedan and after that  in many cities of Iran it has completed its projects.

In 1987 Salamat group transferred its activities to Tehran.

Our Mission

During our 45 years of service, our services have been carried out in three general formats, with project management, construction management, and design management.

And so our services can be separate in two period.

First Period

The first period of our activity in the city of Hamedan mostly includes residential buildings where the sector remains to this day, and some have lost their initial face value.

Among the buildings that have not been transformed by the time, and yet its original ideas can be identified, we can refer to the residential building of Dr. Youssefi, Samiei residential building in Besat Boulevard, and Saeedi Building.

Other non-residential projects still can be found in the Imam Square is Imam Passage. The buildings around Imam Square between 1929 and 1932 were constructed by the German architect and urbanist Carl Fehrish in the style of the buildings of the Hassan Abad Square in Tehran, and with the pattern of Baroque style.

Renovation of them has been one of our honors.

Second Period

The second period of the activity of us is related to design and construction and investment in many projects in Tehran, which was practically started in 1985 with the project of Mirdamad Street.

The other projects of this era are Project on the Ofogh Street, Oil Street Project, and some other on Sheikh Baha’i street such as Fifth alley project and Twelfth alley project, east Emdad Street Project, Saeb Tabrizi Street Project, Ladan project and finaly Shahanaqi project


Looking for a reliable partner for your next construction works? Give us a call and we’ll take care of it.